
”அறமெனப் படுவது யாதெனக் கேட்பின்

மறவாது இதுகேள் மன்னுயிர்க் கெல்லாம்

உண்டியும் உடையும் உறையுளும் அல்லது


என அறம் உரைக்கிறது மணிமேகலை.

About Name:

The name of “Project Athirai (ஆதிரை)” is epical one from Tamil Epic. It is character from the epic Manimekalai.
As per the epic, Manimekalai got Akshaya Pathiram (அட்சய பாத்திரம்), which will keep refilling whatever it has. She approaches Athirai and requests her to fill it. Athirai fills it with food, indicating that people’s hunger should be addressed. And Manimekalai uses that to feed everyone.

Oli Organisation’s Appeal:

The tribal Population of Nilgiris is one of most affected community after math of COVID19 induced lockdown. These tribes in district is most vulnerable section comes under Kurumba, Irulas and Banyas Community unlike other tribes in the district like Toda’s and others who is land owning sections.
Kurumbas are most malnourished section covers nearly 25 tribal hamlets. The children and pregnant women are hugely suffering in this time larger than normal sections.

We in association with district authorities are planning to have Community Kitchen to provide essential nutrients requirements of these most vulnerable sections of society.

They had requested support from our organisation. We are planning to support atleast few hamlets. We are in need of some sustained requirements to keep this kitchen to run one to two months as per lockdown orders extension. We request you to help us in this cause to rise fund or other means to support to meet essential nutrient needs of them.